Leveraging on the existing flagship FTSE IdealRatings Sukuk Index construct, FTSE Russell are pleased to announce the extension of its coverage of the US Dollar-denominated Sukuk market with the launch of the FTSE IdealRatings Broad US Dollar Sukuk Index Series. The series provides a broad measure of the performance of US Dollar-denominated Sukuk issued in the global markets. The screening of Shariah compliance of global Sukuk is based on the robust, rules-based methodology of IdealRatings.
The FTSE IdealRatings Broad US Dollar Sukuk Index Series comprises of the FTSE IdealRatings Broad US Dollar Sukuk Index, which tracks investment-grade, high-yield and non-rated Sukuk, and the flagship FTSE IdealRatings Sukuk Index, which captures the investment-grade portion of the broad index. The modular construction of these indexes allows for flexibility in customization across rating, term and region.
As of March 31, 2021, 126 securities with a total market value of USD 121.0 billion were eligible for inclusion in the FTSE IdealRatings Broad US Dollar Sukuk Index. The index is launched with comprehensive daily historical time series data of over 10 years supported by Refinitiv pricing and reference data.
FTSE Russell intends to further expand its family of Shariah compliant fixed income solutions.
For further information, please see the methodology documents and factsheets for these indexes which are available at www.ftserussell.com.
Please contact us at fi.index@ftserussell.com with any comments or questions.
FTSE Russell