ESG Qualitative Data Set

ESG Qualitative Data Set

IdealRatings screens companies against a set of in-house sustainable investment guidelines and international standards. Such screening provides an overall view of a company’s non-financial performance, complements the traditional financial screening, and assists in sustainable investment decisions.

ESG Integration

Due to increased global climate and resource risks, shifting demographics, regulatory changes and increased investor awareness, incorporating ESG considerations into investment decisions has become increasingly popular among all types of investors. 

It is also important for the companies themselves to consider ESG factors and risks. Companies that are aware of their ESG-related performance and opportunities will not only attract ESG-conscious investors — they will also be better situated for future success.

This type of screening enables users to visualize a company’s sustainability plans. IdealRatings ESG model comprises three main pillars (Environmental, Social and Governance).  Each pillar is divided into subcategories; Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and each KPI contains a series of inputs reaching 130+.

Environmental KPIs

Environmental KPIs

Air emissions
Habitat protection
Waste Management
Environmental Management
Water Resource Management

Social KPIs

Social KPIs

Supply Chain
Human Capital
Animal Welfare
Consumer Protection
Community Development

Governance KPIs

Governance KPIs

Business Ethics
Reporting & Transparency

International Norms

Companies are screened against a set of international norms that cover responsible investment guidelines. Among these guidelines:

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC): The non-binding UN guidelines encouraging businesses globally to adopt & report the implementation of sustainable and socially responsible policies. The UNGC includes ten principles covering human rights, labor, environment, and corruption aspects. The list of UNGC signatories is updated on a weekly basis Moreover, non-signatory companies are also screened against the 10 principles to ensure abidance or violation of such standards. Users have access to a list of UNGC signatories, UNGC delisted companies, and a list of companies abiding by these principles even if not signatories.

ESG Qualitative Data Set IdealRatings

Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.


Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.


The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.


The effective abolition of child labour.

The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.


Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.


Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.



SDGs: A set of 17 global goals set by the UN in 2015 with a target of achieving them by 2030. Companies are screened against being involved in attaining these goals or not. Accordingly, users have access to; list of companies explicitly mentioning they are involved in SDGs, list of SDGs per company, and a list of companies not mentioning they are involved in SDGs, but their community development programs have been mapped against the 17 goals.

ESG Qualitative Data Set IdealRatings

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): Drafted and proclaimed in 1948 by the UN, the UDHR has become the most well-known global guidelines related to human rights. Under these guidelines 30 pertinent articles have been documented. IdealRatings has matched these articles with its own questions to confirm a company’s abidance by these norms. Companies abiding by the UDHR and relevant questions are available at IdealRatings service.

ESG Qualitative Data Set IdealRatings

International Labor Standards (ILO): Set almost 100 years ago, ILO has been working under the auspice of the UN advocating justice and decent work standards for labor. The morals have been set to be applied on a country basis; however, given the relevant violations occurring on corporate level it is now considered as an integral part of a company’s level code of conduct. Companies abiding by the ILO standards and relevant questions are available at IdealRatings service.

ESG Qualitative Data Set IdealRatings

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